Contact Information

School of Marketing Dublin Institute of Technology Aungier St.
Phone: +35 3 1 402 3000

Basic Info

Dublin Institute of Technology

School of Marketing Dublin Institute of Technology Aungier St.
Phone: +35 3 1 402 3000

About Dublin Institute of Technology

Both the Masters in Advertising and the Postgraduate Diploma in Advertising and Digital Communications programmes are part of the School of Marketing, Dublin Institute of Technology. The mission of the School of Marketing centres on teaching and learning, research, industry partnership and community contribution. The School seeks to

Be at the leading edge of marketing education in Ireland at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels
Produce graduates who are ‘work ready and change ready’
Contribute to the community through creating outstanding corporate leaders
Have a positioning as being ‘close to business and the business professions’, complementing the positioning of the Faculty of Business
Have excellence and innovation in learning, teaching and research
Have a global orientation in terms of staff and student profile and mobility
Throughout both programmes relevant for membership a diverse range of teaching and learning strategies are employed. This generally includes lectures, guest lectures, case study, presentations, debate, discussion and self-directed learning in addition to group directed learning. It is intended to provide the students with a stimulating learning environment conducive to the attainment of the learning outcomes of the programmes. 

