TitleVacuum Cleaner (English)
Title (original language)Aspirateur
Campaign Put the Sun to work
Advertiser Solarbox
Brand Solarbox
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2023 / 8
Product Photovoltaic
Product (original language) Photovoltaïque
Business Sector Industry
Philosophy The notorious french King Louis XIV liked to be referred to as the Sun King. Every French person learns this in school and is familiar with that fact. In the "Put the sun to work" campaign, the agency used the image of the Sun King generating electricity by pedaling a dynamo bike. This serves as a metaphor for the sun producing electricity for the entire family through solar panels on the roof.
Philosophy (original language) La campagne repose sur un concept disruptif et un ton décalé mettant en scène l'emblématique Roi Soleil, Louis XIV, pédalant sur un vélo à dynamo pour apporter l’énergie solaire aux Français.
Media Type Television
Market France
Chief Creative Officer
Art Director
Agency supervisor
Agency TV Producer
Director of Photography (DOP)
Wardrobe / Stylist
Post Production
Production Company
Head of Production
Head of Production
Production Company Producer
Production Company Producer
Production Service Company
Production Services Director
Art Director
Makeup artist
Music Composer

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