Contact Information

Koolmijnenkaai 30
Brussels 1080
Phone: +32 (0)2 413 0770

Natasha Fairchild

Natasha Fairchild

Production Assistant & Visual Researcher

Phone: 0032 2 413 0770

Basic Info

Awards: 138

Creative Work: 164

Awards: 138

Creative Work: 164


Koolmijnenkaai 30
Brussels 1080
Phone: +32 (0)2 413 0770
Natasha Fairchild

Natasha Fairchild

Production Assistant & Visual Researcher

Phone: 0032 2 413 0770

Lieven Van Baelen

Lieven Van Baelen began his advertising career as a telecine operator, and he quickly became one of Belgium’s leading color graders. Later on he started working as a director of photography on commercials and music videos, and occasionally worked on his own projects. In 1999 Van Baelen directed his first short film, “The Thread,” which earned him several international directing awards. Early on, in 2006, he won a Eurobest Award and a Gold CCB (Creative Club Belgium) Award for the Dexia “Club Brugge” commercial. Van Baelen continues to develop his craft and has directed for major international brands such as Heineken, Grolsch, Canon, Coca-Cola, Nissan, Renault, Citroen and IKEA.