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Mélanie Pennec (DDB Paris)


Melanie has been Art Director at DDB Paris for the two past years. In 2016, she turned 30, and won her first international awards including Cannes lions, One Show and Eurobest.
She was also designated French Art Director of the Year, making 2016 the most exciting year of her creative career. But that was before she read her 2017 horoscope, which told her that Mercury, the Sun, and Pluto in Capricorn were kick-starting one of her most practical and successful years.
One week after, she was selected with 11 other rising talents at DDB to be part of the Phyllis Project, a new global creative initiative that is committed to increasing the number of female creative leaders in the network. So now, she believes more than ever on astrology. 

Mélanie Pennec
Directrice de Création DDB Paris
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