Consultancy SCOPEN expects 2023 to be an active year for agency reviews, on the heels of post-Covid recalibration in client-side marketing strategy and operation

The view from the consultant's desk with Cesar Vacchiano and Kika Samblas, SCOPEN

by Carol Mason , AdForum (NYC)

Madrid, Spain
See Profile

Industry consultants SCOPEN have their roots in Spain and a wide global reach serving brands in Latam, parts of Europe, Asia and South Africa. In talking with them for insight on the industry in their regions, a key take-away we picked up is that 2022 has been about recalibrating marketing operations on the client side, and not so much about changing agency.

First, please describe your consultancy – what is your geographic reach; along with pitch consultancy, what other services do you provide to clients; what is your background?

SCOPEN is a research-based, consulting company that provides knowledge for creative transformation to companies.

We have developed three services in the 12 markets in which we operate: Spain, Portugal, UK, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile, China, Singapore and South Africa.

• Research
• Consulting
• Awards & Events

With our deep knowledge through research, we believe we have a better understanding of global and local trends and we are able to assess our clients in a more robust and solid way.

Taking a top line look at the industry in 1H 2022, how active has agency new business been this year? Do you see this metric as a barometer of industry health?

2022 has not been a very active year in terms of pitches. We have seen an important trend following COVID, that many brands are evolving their way of doing marketing inside their companies. Top brands are reinventing their marketing strategy to take into account the big shift that users have made. It is focused on addressing their digital business, but not only that. We are seeing top brands in-housing part of their agency services, implementing new tools and processes to be more efficient and precise in their marketing and advertising budgets.

This puts the clients into a scenario where they are reorganizing their internal structures. This will likely lead to a more intense pitch year in 2023 once they really understand what their new needs are.

In 2022 we are collaborating with many clients in this internal evolution and restructuring their governance models etc., more than in pitches.

The Pitch Positive Pledge has gained momentum in the UK. Brands, consultants and agencies are making a promise to improve the entire pitch process. What can a brand do to improve the process on their side? And the same question about agencies?

SCOPEN has already promoted a new way of pitching. We started this model in Brazil 9 years ago and we have run pitches in many markets with a methodology that not only improves the process, but also the ability for clients to reach a decision. We do not believe that, within the current complex advertising model, the development of a one-shot campaign created for a pitch demonstrates the real capabilities of an agency.

We believe there must be much more interaction between agency and client teams to understand if the relationship can work in the long run. We call this process “Inside-Out” which allows interaction between client and agency with tools, methodologies, on agency / client culture, POV, team skills, etc.

What is your view of the growth in client-side in-housing, do you think this is a trend that will continue?

We have developed an interesting piece of research in Spain regarding the growth of in-housing:

• 35% of brands have already an in-house team or a proper agency within their teams.
• 69.6% use a mixed model, this means external agency and inhouse teams

We believe in-house will grow for specific tasks, but that external agencies will always be needed. A collaborative model will be the future.

What advice would you give to a small agency looking to land a major client?

This agency should focus on having top talent even if they are small. Also invest in tools that help them be more efficient and develop a good client-agency working process that delivers results.

They need to find a client that trusts them and with whom they can do great work, once they manage to demonstrate this, it will be easier to keep growing.

Consistency. During the pitch process we have many interactions with the agencies, and we really like it when the agency demonstrates what they stand for throughout the process, from workshop sessions through to the final negotiation.