Contact Information

473 Adelaide Street West
Toronto Ontario M5V 1T1
Phone: 416.920.6864

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Marketing/Creative Services

Parent Company:


Employees: 175

Creative Work: 3

Clients: 2

Core Competencies: Marketing/Creative Services

Parent Company:


Employees: 175

Creative Work: 3

Clients: 2

Havas Canada

473 Adelaide Street West
Toronto Ontario M5V 1T1
Phone: 416.920.6864

Welcoming New Opportunities: Emma Ward, Havas CX Canada

Havas Canada
Toronto, Canada
See Profile
Emma Ward
Junior Designer Havas CX Canada

We spoke with Havas CX Canada's Junior Designer, Emma Ward, about the importance of welcoming new opportunites and having a healthy work-life balance.


Can you tell us about your current role and responsibilities?

My current role at Havas is as a Junior Designer. I am responsible for creating visual designs for various projects and assisting people in the company with the creative elements of their projects/ pitches.


What drew you to work at this agency and what opportunities does it provide to foster your professional growth?

I originally started at Havas as a Marketing Intern. I was creating a lot of visuals for social media posts and internal initiatives. My manager thought that I would do well as a designer and encouraged me to apply for a position within the company. At the end of my internship, I was offered a position as a Junior Designer, and I jumped at the opportunity. What drew me to the company was the projects and company culture. It is such a welcoming place, and everyone is always willing to lend a hand. 

For my professional growth, this position allows me to work with people who have a lot of experience in this industry. I have been able to foster new skills as well as enhance the ones I already have, but overall, I am learning what it takes to become a successful designer.


Joining such a massive industry can be overwhelming, how do you stay informed and ahead of the curve?

I take a lot of time to research and learn new design techniques but, I find what helps me stay informed is surrounding myself with other creatives to gain different insight and perspectives.


What areas in the industry do you believe could use an overhaul?

I think beyond this industry what seems to be a consistent problem is work-life balance. I think that we can all get caught up in our projects and deadlines which can sometimes affect our ability to walk away from our desks at the end of the day. With this in mind, one of the things I appreciate about Havas is its commitment to promoting a good work/life balance. 


Where do you hope this role will take you down the line?

As of right now, I would like to pursue a role as a creative director.