TitleDiscover Your Booksona
Campaign Discover Your Booksona
Advertiser Amazon
Brand Amazon Books
PostedJuly 2023
Business Sector Internet Sites (Excluding ISPs) / Apps.
Story Ever wish you had a personal stylist for your bookshelf? Or perhaps you haven't picked up a book in a long time and could use some help knowing where to start.

Whatever your current relationship is with reading, we worked with Amazon Books to invite you to Discover Your Booksona. It's a brand new way to find out what types of books you like based on your unique personality. It takes just a few minutes and there are no wrong answers! Reveal your unique inner reader and get a deeper look at how, why and what you like to read.

The quiz was designed to be reflexive, challenging the taker to think fast and uncover their true preferences so our recommendations could be as unique as they are.

Paid support surrounding the activation drove over 26M, and the site had a 90% completion rate and drove over 100K clicks to purchase.
Media Type Case Study

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