Contact Information

Prins Hendrikkade 21-2hg,
Amsterdam 1012 TL
Phone: 020 623 26 96

Basic Info

Employees: 40

Awards: 86

Creative Work: 32

Employees: 40

Awards: 86

Creative Work: 32

Dentsu Creative

Prins Hendrikkade 21-2hg,
Amsterdam 1012 TL
Phone: 020 623 26 96

Orangina brings an ode to hard working Croatians

Sweating the night shift on a big advertising pitch? Working late on a financial deal? Pulling an all night-er at the conveyor belt or fixing that late night server crash?
From May 15th onwards Orangina will be shaking up the lives of hard working Croatians with its new ‘Shake Things Up’ campaign.
For three weeks, Croatians all over the country will be able to order some hilarious surprise acts. This ‘Shake Up’ aims to brighten up the day of Croatian employees, who are working day in day out in offices, factories and stores across the country, servicing their bosses and clients to the best of their abilities. With the launch of the Orangina 'Shake Up', Orangina wants to encourage these hard working people to keep up the good work by rewarding them with some quirky and fun acts during their workday.
On the campaign site, visitors are able to order their very own act which will be delivered to their local offices.
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